Monday, November 30, 2009

Mancat Monday - Angus

Angus - Our gentle giant.

He loves to play by himself, batting a jingle ball around the kitchen floor, at 3:00 in the morning.

Lately we've starting calling him Jowls and Mr Mayor because he has filled out so much around his cheeks like an old fashion town mayor.

You can read more about him and how we came to adopt him, here or click on his picture over there >>.

Thank you for stopping by the blog while we were on vacation. I really enjoyed the new comments on old posts.  ~Lisa Co9T

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday with Snafu - The Daily Oak Leaf

Nearly every day that Snafu goes outside, weather permitting, he returns with an oak leaf.

He plays with it on the bed if no one is napping,

or in the kitchen where the floor is slick and toys slide easily.

We let Snafu play with the oak leaf until it’s pretty mangled and toss it out the next morning, knowing he’ll just bring in a fresh one.

One day he brought in the mother of all oak leaves.

He was so protective of it, leaping from floor to counter tops, he never felt safe enough to play with it.

Funny boy.

Cat of Nine Tales is going on a Thanksgiving vacation from blogging. We’ll try to get in some visiting, but we won’t have any new posts until after Turkey Day. We highly recommend you take this opportunity to check out our first blog post here, or maybe wander through our archive or check out the introductory post of your favorite Cat of Nine Tales kitty by clicking on their picture over on the right. Comments on old posts are still welcome.

We are so very thankful for all the new friends and furends we have made in the short time we’ve been part of the Cat Blogosphere.
Happy Thanksgiving all!
~Lisa Co9T

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Crunch, Crunch, Crunch

Crunch, crunch, crunch. I wake up slightly from my midnight dreams. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. What the heck is that? Crunch, crunch, crunch. It’s not a cat playing with a ball. Crunch, crunch, crunch. I get up, grab my flashlight, open the bedroom door to find 5 kitties squatting on the floor in front of the dishwasher, two more are squatting on the counter above it. I do not have a picture because, well, it was midnight and I wasn't happy. Ten laser beam eyes look at me in silence. Crunch, crunch, crunch turns their eyes back to the dishwasher where the sound, now 10 times louder, is coming from.
Dilemma – do I let the wood chomping rodent finish it’s job boring a hole into my house where upon it will immediately meet it’s death at the claws and teeth of 9 cats? Tempting. Do I scare it away and later attempt to poison it’s crunching life away. Ghastly, but it was midnight and I was unhappy. Or, do I…crunch, crunch, crunch. BAM, BAM, BAM! Thrown back into the midnight glare of reality, I bang my fist on the dishwasher. Lesser cats go scrambling as three remain glued, staring in silence at the long dead dishwasher. BAM, BAM, BAM! I pound once more for good measure. The four of us stand united with bare feet and paws in a dwindling pool of yellow light streaming from my flashlight, listening to silence, DP still fast asleep.

Uneasy, but temporarily satisfied, I go back to bed and listen myself to sleep. The next day DP placed traps around the house in strategic locations (she used to kill bugs for a living). Four or five midnight pounding days later – success!

We gave him a one way ticket to the transfer station the next town over. We hope he has a better life 5 miles away.

DP reset the trap. You never know, there may be relatives. Sleep tight!

~Lisa Co9T

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Night Fights - Twisty-Girl vs The Beefcake

Welcome to Friday Night Fights! Twisty-Girl versus The Beefcake!

Twisty-Girl (Penny)                                          The Beefcake (Yukon)

They begin right away by circling and sizing up each other’s glare.

Ooo, then just like that, Twisty-Girl drops into ball. She knows her greatest strength is in her hind legs.

Meowch! She breaks apart when The Beefcake puts a bitey on her.

Twisty-Girl runs down the hall, where The Beefcake isn’t giving up.

…and follows her every move. There’s no escape!

Bffft! The Beefcake easily takes Twisty-Girl down and it ain’t pretty.

T-G uses her back legs and her little but mighty mitts.

Huh?…is that The Beefcake's ear in her mouth (you might have to bigify to see)? Chomp!

and suddenly the match is over. They are both on their feet. The Ref calls it a standstill.

And now a word from our Sponsor…

Sir Wizard of Dairy says, “Hannaford Brand, Natural Sharp Cheddar Cheese Shreds are Nom, Nom Good! I will throw myself at your feet for Sharp Cheddar Cheese! Nom!”

In our locker room interview at the water fountain, Twisty-Girl said about Beefcake, “He bites too hard! So I let him win.”

In Beefcake’s response, he muttered something about Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield.

So that’s the story folks! Yet another wrap-up of another Friday Night Fights!
Thanks for dropping by. See you next time...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Caption This...

I thought of so many captions I could give this picture, I couldn't decide which one to use, so instead I thought it would be fun to let you all in CB to caption it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Two Cat Tuesday - Copy Cats

Here is a priceless picture from 2008 of Bustopher and Penny.

They are watching birds in the birdfeeder.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

First Snow Day

Last Friday we had an early snow storm. We had a nice little accumulation that lasted three whole days. We are now back to basic fall brown colors. This was Owen's first snow. He never ventured out into it last year, but Snafu absolutely loves it. He prances around in it chirping. Others were curious.
Here is how their ventures went last week:

Yukon was the first to stick his head out the cat enclosure window. And that's where he stayed.
To see more detail in close up, you should bigify these pictures

So I brushed off the first step of the ladder to help with their footing. DP took pictures from this outside angle.

That's when Snafu took the first plunge.

I got my camera going from the inside angle where (not to be shown up by Snafu) Penny and Owen were waiting to go out next.

Here's Penny looking down on Snafu.

She stepped out! I had to get a shot of that.

And here is that shot.

Are you sure you want to be out there, Penny?

Snafu seems to be enjoying himself, making tracks. Look at that tail straight up...and he is chirping too.

It seems Penny is as brave as Snafu (of course)! Owen is too with Yukon contemplating making a go of it.

A regular snow bunny, that Snafu is...

Here is my arm making a video (I posted that at the end). Wizard has joined Owen on the top step.

Look! There is Angus's head.

Owen in the snow. Handsome boy!

There is BJ. He's an old pro in the snow.

Yeah, now here is the problem with snow.

It requires extra maintenance.

It gets in between the toes too.

But all in all! It's a lot of fun.

In case you were wondering, Yukon and Angus never made it outside that day.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Night Fights - Dairy King vs The Zen Master

Tonight’s match is between Dairy King (Wizard) and The Zen Master (Yukon).
We would also like to welcome, first time Referee, Blue Bunny.

There is a conference between the parties before they begin.
(Do you see TZM slipping the Ref a little bribe?)

And they begin.
A little mutual grooming, as is traditional to show off their goodwill.

Yes! Diary King makes the first move. Reaching up for the grab.

The Zen Master counters with a bop to the chest….hardly a defensive move (he’s so confident he’ll win).

Ha! But Dairy King swings his leg positioning for a round-house.

Oooooo…And delivers it right to the head!

The Zen Master loses his cool and dives!

Oh No!! He falls over unbalanced, and the Ref calls it for Dairy King.
The Zen Master shakes his fist in rage!
(It’s nice to know Blue Bunny’s a clean Ref)

….And now a word from our Sponsor.

Nick says Savory Salmon Flavored Feline Greenies are nom, nom, good! I even look forward to taking my happy thoughts pill to get my Greenie afterwards! Nom! Nom!

That wraps up another Friday Night Fights! We hope you had fun. We'll see you next time!
~Lisa Co9T