Last Friday we had an early snow storm. We had a nice little accumulation that lasted three whole days. We are now back to basic fall brown colors. This was Owen's first snow. He never ventured out into it last year, but Snafu absolutely loves it. He prances around in it chirping. Others were curious.
Here is how their ventures went last week:
Yukon was the first to stick his head out the cat enclosure window. And that's where he stayed.
To see more detail in close up, you should bigify these pictures
So I brushed off the first step of the ladder to help with their footing. DP took pictures from this outside angle.
That's when Snafu took the first plunge.
I got my camera going from the inside angle where (not to be shown up by Snafu) Penny and Owen were waiting to go out next.
Here's Penny looking down on Snafu.
She stepped out! I had to get a shot of that.
And here is that shot.
Are you sure you want to be out there, Penny?
Snafu seems to be enjoying himself, making tracks. Look at that tail straight up...and he is chirping too.
It seems Penny is as brave as Snafu (of course)! Owen is too with Yukon contemplating making a go of it.
A regular snow bunny, that Snafu is...
Here is my arm making a video (I posted that at the end). Wizard has joined Owen on the top step.
Look! There is Angus's head.

Owen in the snow. Handsome boy!
There is BJ. He's an old pro in the snow.
Yeah, now here is the problem with snow.
It requires extra maintenance.
It gets in between the toes too.
But all in all! It's a lot of fun.
In case you were wondering, Yukon and Angus never made it outside that day.